Delta 9 is a cannabinoid present in large quantities in the marijuana plant and small traces in hemp. This wonderful compound is known for rendering numerous mental and physical benefits to humans. It makes you feel high and relaxed, which is the goal of most consumers. As much as Delta 9 is widely appreciated, some people are still skeptical about its consumption. For that reason, we bring clarity on whether Delta 9 is the right choice for you or not. Read the blog until the end for fascinating information.
5 Reasons to Consume Delta 9
First and foremost, Delta 9 got a home in the US Pharmacopeia, a non-profit organization that ensures the supply of safe and high-quality medicines. That implies Delta 9 is legal and safe to consume. Now, let's explore the numerous benefits of Delta 9 that help you make an informed choice.
1) Delta 9 causes pain relief
According to a review published by Future Medicinal Chemistry in 2009, cannabinoids reduce cytokine and chemokine production and enhance T-regulatory cells to lower inflammatory responses. Inflammatory responses take place when tissues are injured by bacteria, heat, or toxins, releasing chemicals that cause swelling.
2) Delta 9 reduces the symptoms of stress and anxiety
In a study published by Drug and Alcohol Dependence in 2017, two healthy volunteers were exposed to two experiment sessions, including psychosocial stress and non-stressful tasks, after ingesting THC. Those who consumed low doses of THC experienced stress reduction, whereas those who consumed high doses of THC experienced enhanced bad mood.
3) Delta 9 promotes better sleep
When you consume Delta 9, it binds to the cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system and the immune system, prompting sleep by lowering anxiety levels and enhancing relaxation. A study published by the Journal of Clinical Pshycopharmacology in 2004 states that 15mg of Delta 9 THC has the power to enhance total sleep time and lessen the number of times participants wake up during the night. That implies insomnia patients can immensely benefit from Delta 9 THC products.
4) Delta 9 enhances focus
Some people say that Delta 9 consumption increases alertness and creativity, allowing them to create something artful. Other than these benefits, Delta 9 is also known to cause altered perception of time and events.
5) Delta 9 enhances your appetite and decreases nausea
Sometimes some cancer-based treatments slow down hunger and alter the way food tastes and smells. At the same time, these treatments also cause fatigue, nausea, mouth or throat problems, and vomiting. On the other hand, Delta 9 has the potential to cure the side effects of cancer-based treatments, allowing patients to heave a sigh of relief.
Winding up, Delta 9 is the right choice for you as it helps relieve pain, promote better sleep, reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety, increase focus and hunger, and eliminate nausea. You can explore numerous Delta 9 products at Delta Remedys, including Delta 9 gummies in diverse flavors, Delta 9 Tinctures, and Delta 9 Bundles. Feel free to explore Delta Remedys for its safe and high-quality products.